Movie Night was good. I wish more of you had come but sometime soon I'll be showing Ponyo for Movie Night or there will be another event.
ACM Night at HIFF was good. Robbie's film was really cute though I think he told me that it didn't win :( For pictures from ACM night that are good check out Robbie's facebook.
TETSUYA! is coming. I know that most of you didn't want to hear that because it will just create added stress to your day. For those who don't know Tetsuya means Cram Session and in short form the BSC will be here for all your studying needs. We provide dinner and assorted junk food. You can also stay over although you'll have to deal with couches and the floor since there are no beds. If you stay over we do have a shower. I'll be here 24/7 during Tetsuya in case there are anything that happens, so you can come bug me. If you come by late make sure that you let me know, so that I can let you in.