Spring Tetsuya has come and gone. It has clearly been expressed this year that Tetsuya has definitely changed since it started and perhaps it has come with the times. Here's a few pictures of the day we grilled. Oh that grill is amazing! Thanks David!
Casey looks worried as he cooks the teri burgers. He didn't do so well with the zucchini :/
Wayde helps to get the fire for the grill started. It took forever :( I miss days where there were expert grillers at my finger tips, anyone want to volunteer for me?
At the end of the week, Grant dropped off the Kapi'o with an article on Brass Knuckle Ballad. Click the link below to read the full article. A couple of people from the BSC have been working on this film set to be released at the Fall HIFF. So exciting :)
Story of Brass Knuckle Ballad - Entertainment
Saturday May 15th to conclude the World Jodo Shinshu Conference that was held in Honolulu there was a private tour of the Arizona Memorial with Governor General Tachibana and Shinmonsama, Shinurakatasama.
Wayde takes care of the wreath the Hongwanji placed at the Arizona Memorial.

The older group was unable to get a picture with the dignitaries so we took one with Jake and the wreath. Jake isn't smiling on purpose just to prove he's not having fun and Wayde, who apparently is having fun decided to go a little Captain Morgan on us. Photo courtesy of Alan's camera :)
Shinurakatasama, Shinmonsama and Governor General Tachibana

USS Utah and memorial.
Fact: There are 54 crew members and one civilian that died on Dec. 7th, 1941. One of the crew members was going to give his young child a sea burial and didn't have a chance to do so when the attack occurred.
Fact: The white blocks of concrete scattered around the Arizona Memorial are where the ships were positioned the morning of the attack.
USS Missouri where World War II was declared ended.
Arizona Memorial
A rainbow decided to peak out when we got there
Offering leis into the ocean with flower petals
the leis and flowers floating out to sea.
Unable to post the big group picture because it would have looked really small, since apparently this blog doesn't like big pictures.
Jr. YBA took a picture by the anchor monument.
Don't forget Young Adult Retreat coming up in August. Links on the BSC website and get your forms into Jake as soon as you know. Have a great summer and more coming soon :)