Hello Everyone!
Long time no write, I know. Sadly there will not be any pictures from Tetsuya on here because I forgot to take pictures while everyone was around and the only other pictures are on Rev. Muneto's camera. Apparently Rev. Muneto's camera doesn't want to release the pictures (ask me about this later you might know the solution).
January is almost here and gone, but here are somethings you should know:
SuperBowl Party February 7th 1p.m. email me for details
Giiseikai February 11-12 Hawaii Betsuin
Living Treasures Banquet February 12th email me if you want to help
YESS Camp March 24-26 Camp Maluhia,Maui
Sunday January 24th There was a car wash at the BSC to help cut the cost of camp. We were hoping to have more people come out, but due to the vog and the forecast of rain many people stayed away. Thanks to everyone who got their car washed or donated money. Also special thanks to those who came and helped us wash cars :) Below is probably the longest picture trail you will ever see on this blog.
*note my editting skills make the day seem sunny when it really wasn't.

Jake hanging the Entrance sign with my amazing artwork
Guiding the cars into the spot to get washed....
Camp Chair: Robbie sprays down a car...
Josh went hardcore to get people to come to the car wash. He even earned one dolla for his efforts...The wiping after the wash for an all clean finish
The Super Youth Specialist fearlessly tries to get people to the car wash
Jake and Russ waving signs to attract attention....
Lynn mass texting her peeps about the car wash...no she wasn't slacking ;)
Lynn and Heather waving signs and we may have a taker...

Robbie's fun with the waterhose

Grant taking a break from recording to waves signs
Russ chomping on the food during a break
Wayde mass texting his peeps about the car washApparently Beau thinks Josh is up to something.... Lynn driving Rev. Muneto's Prius up to get dried... Rev. Hojo came to help too! Even Maitri let us wash her car :) Shaun showed up after work and people kept asking if the proceeds were going to benefit the military...Russ takes a moment to yell from the landing
Cars get the all clean look...
Taking a lunch break...
Waving signs
Now I so want to wash my car because of this pic...hahaha
Aggressive sign wavers....
Heather scrubbing those tire rims....The picture is odd and it got laughs but a lady said that she and her friend came back because this is where she wanted her car wash. Couldn't tell you if she was being serious or not:/
Marcie and friend stop by to help for a bit...

The Videographer. Clips of this will appear somewhere...