Thursday, November 10, 2011


I hope that you are hungry because there's a whole ton of food pictures about to hit your screen and make you drool, seriously!

The Association wanted to have a Thanksgiving celebration before they went home to celebrate with their families or in some cases not at all. Darn these retail board holidays! Thanksgiving is not only about giving thanks with your family, but also about giving thanks with your friends which can sometimes also be your family.

Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” -Margaret Cousins

Thank you Jake for cooking the turkey, which is not pictured. It was a really good bird. Thank you to everyone who came. Not pictured are Koshin Soga and Chelsie Takasaki. Also not pictured are the cookies that Jordan and Jaret brought. :)

Stuffing made by Justin though it's not homemade

Chinese Chicken Salad made by Jamie

Garlic Mashed Potatos made by Justin

Candied Yams made by Jamie

Pumpkin Squares made by Allyson. Taste tested by Ken

We played all 12 rounds of Scattergories before and after Thanksgiving. We also watched Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving, The Charlie Brown take on the First Thanksgiving, and It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

Justin needed some help from Ryne on this round

Playing Scattergories. Josh is just too good!

We hope to see you at the next event, which is most likely Tetsuya. December 12-16.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Homecoming Tailgate

Sorry this is late, but here's a review of the UH Homecoming Tailgate that happened on October 22nd.

According to Urban Dictionary the word tailgate means to:
1) Usually found around sporting events, they involve beer drinking andBBQ from the back of a pickup truck or SUV. 2) The car that is so close to you in the rear that you can barely see it's headlights. Some people like to quickly brake to scare them off. Pretty annoying, but it's better to move to the right. Nobody likes a Left Lane Dick... unless there is no right lane. In that case, it's time for a Skid Contest.

We met at Aiea Hongwanji and caravanned over to the stadium. There was some getting lost and such, but what else is really new. We found parking at Gate 4 and soon were getting down to the major business of cooking and tailgating.
Here's the summary in pictures. UH won the Homecoming game for the record, in case you were under a rock or something.
There's no group picture, sorry! Maybe next time.. .annual event for Young Buddhists Association?!?

This golf cart broke down near us and they need to push it to get started, kind of amusing...

Ian brought the coolest things. This grill is a pop together, so cute! And yes, we needed 3 grills to cook all the yummy food. No full food spread picture though. You missed out.

Just chilling under the pop- up tent waiting to eat and such..

Abby and her friends were captured by a photographer at the Honolulu Pulse.

Wayde showed up with Mike Lum after they got done filming the Hawaii Betsuin's Futaba lecture.

Wayde fits in my ghetto trunk which he also dared to sit in.

Playing horseshoes, I think...
People stopped by to see us such as Emi's friend from Maui and Robyn and her friend.

Even Grant Ujimori hung out with us. No pictures of Ian though...

You can grow old, but growing up is optional!

Casey, his girlfriend Rachel, and Kenny stopped by to visit. Also Jess isn't crazy she's talking to someone.

Halftime performance by the UH band included a montage of many things including a Thriller dance and the Party Rock Anthem

Is that a Jiggly Puff?! or what?

Also in other news. The Buddhist Study Center is on facebook. Fan us to get more information on our events and feel free to check-in if you are ever here :)