These next couple of posts will be out of order because as much as I've been meaning to post and talk about the adventures the Fellowship has been having I just haven't had the time. So bear with us while we catch up!
On February 3 & 4 The Honpa Hongwanji of Hawaii held it's 100th Giiseikai ( Legislative Assembly). During these proceedings, the film Aloha Buddha was screened and a resolution encouraging current members to bring their friends, family, and neighbors to temple was passed.
On Feburary 4 the Annual Living Treasures Luncheon was held at the Sheraton Waikiki. Ken Oyadomari, Allyson Fujii, and Justin Shiraki along with Emi Hashi and Brandi Yamamoto were ushers to the honorees this year. Sadly, we didn't get to take a group picture this year, but here are a few pictures of the honorees.
Goro Arakawa of the Arakawa Store in Waipahu
Ben Finney, Co-Founder of the Hokulea Movement
Gordon Mark, ukulele master. He played 2 songs for the fellow honorees and the audience.
the other honorees were Barbara Kawakami and Lynette Paglinawan. Here's a link to the Olelo video of this year's honorees visiting the Hawaii State House and getting honored there. Click here Also in attendance was Jake Shimabukuro and former Miss Universe, Brooke Lee.
Also at this year's Living Treasures the Honpa Hongwanji honored two ministers for their service. Those ministers were Rev. Ryoso Toshima and Rev. Thomas Okano, both ministers are now enjoying their retirement.
Sorry the pictures are little blurry and out of focus. The attendance at this year's Living Treasures was crazy! I decided that taking pictures via the screen was probably easier than looking like a crazy person and rushing the stage. More posts coming soon!