So in case you didn't hear His Holiness the Dalai Lama came to Hawaii to do a few talks. He was invited to come to Hawaii by Pillars of Peace (no we are not affiliated with them in any way). We found out about them like every person in the state of Hawaii through the news media. Lucky for us though Rev. Kevin was able to get 4 tickets to the general public session which ended up being sold out! We also got tickets from the Pacific Buddhist Academy because they had a few tickets that were going to be unused and Bishop Matsumoto along with a guest (Rev. Kevin) in this case were invited guests of Dean Dassenbrock to the student session of the Dalai Lama's presentation. Everyone who went to the student session got lanyards like these!
The General public did not get any cool lanyards, but both sessions got to see a great concert with various entertainers. You can watch videos of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's talks and some of the performances on the Pillars of Peace youtube channel.
After the general public presentation on Sunday. The Fellowship Club played host at a Peace Party with PRISM ( PRogressive Interfaith Student Movement). PRISM is just in the beginning stages at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and we hope that it will continue. It is a lot like InterVarsity at many of the mainland college campuses.
The beautiful flyer was designed with some help from Cara Tsutsuse and Rev. Jonipher Kwong. The Peace Party turned out really well. We had quite a few people show up to the BBQ and talk and stay a while and chat. We were lucky enough to have Dr. Pat Masters of the Hawaii Association of International Buddhist come in and talk about Tibetan Buddhism as well as answer questions we had about His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the presentation. There was suppose to be a movie presentation after the talk, but since quite a few people left that didn't happen.
*note none of the above images aside from the PRISM flyer are ours.