I SWEAR that I was just blogging about the end of the school year and yet here I am blogging and another school year is upon us once again! I would be blogging about the Jr. YBA Convention but perhaps another year and another time that will fit into the comprehensive youth program.
July was a extremely busy month for the Fellowship Club. Well, relatively at the beginning of the month we helped by making and selling musubis at the Moiliili Hongwanji Bon Dance and SummerFest. We also helped Jr. YBA with their shave ice booth which was right next door to ours.
Josh showing off some of the musubis ready to sell!
Also in July we held another Director's Nite and the theme this time was ninjas. There were ninja ducks, ninja cheese. We made origami ninja stars and watched the movie Shinobi:heart under blade a definite must see.
We also celebrated Suzanne's birthday which was earlier that week. She really enjoyed her birthday cake because it was just her style.
I'll be back again soon to report on a special collaboration project that we worked on earlier this month that deserved it's own post.
Also if you haven't signed up for the Young Adult Retreat IV, you still have time but you need to contact Jake ASAP if you want to attend. We have also set the date for Manoaphobia and it's going to be August 31. We look forward to seeing you soon!