Hello Everyone!
If' I'm spamming your feed with tons of post I apologize, but there is finally a quiet moment in between all the craziness and I really wanted to show you all these amazing pictures.
In March the weekend before YESS Camp the Fellowship Club decided to hold a membership retreat at a Beach House in Waialua and along the way do a service project at Wahiawa Hongwanji Mission.
While there won't be any pictures of the Fellowship Club washing the temple window posted on here rest assured that we actually washed the windows. We were working hard which is why there are not any pictures. After washing the temple windows we had the opportunity to fellowship with the Hashimotos and meet their Bunny. Here are a few pictures:

This is part of the garden underneath the office at Wahiawa Hongwanji.
This is the Hashimoto Bunny. "Why hello new people!"
"I'm going to ignore the camera for a moment because I don't know you, yet..."

Being shown the proper way to be carried and being carried by Michelle. "Why am I being carried and when do I get to go down, since I'm out of my cage"
"Finally on the ground. I think I may hop away now..."