Thanks to everyone who came out to Manoaphobia! You guys were awesome. For those who didn't come we were blessed to have Bishop Thomas Okano stop by as well as to hear an impromptu performance by Kirk Shimabukuro.
Proof that people do actually visit the BSC and that there are actually Young Buddhists in Hawaii!
Casey and Ken decided to spar and these are the best pics I got.
Here's the links to the videos since apparently blogger won't let me post the videos,LoL.
Jake Shimabukuro performing Annon
This weekend is the Hawaii 750th Memorial of Shinran Shonin and Honpa Hongwanji's 120th Anniversary. I hope that you will be able to make it to some of the events.
Thursday 9-3-09: Ala Moana Centerstage performance by Jake Shimabukuro
Friday 9-4-09: Foster Garden's tree planting ceremony 3:30p.m.-5p.m. including entertainment by Jake Shimabukuro, HMS students, PBA taiko, and speeches by Mayor Mufi and GoMonshu Ohtani
Saturday 9-5-09: Ohana Conference 9a.m.-3:30p.m. workshops done by BJ Soriano, Dr. Matsumoto, Claire Tamamoto, and others
Commemoration Banquet: 5p.m. including performances by Jake Shimabukuro, Kirk Shimabukuro, PBA taiko, HMS students
Sunday 9-6-09: Commemoration Service 9a.m.
PBA dedication 3:30p.m.
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