Allyson Fujii & Ken Oyadomari Thanks for helping out at Bishop Matsumoto's induction Banquet!
Bishop & Mrs. Matsumoto singing "Triangle, Circle Square" gatha
Hey Everyone!
Above are pictures from Bishop Matsumoto's induction banquet on April 22nd. It was an interesting banquet to say the least, but it will be a good change to have Bishop Matsumoto as the new Bishop of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii.
There have been quite a bit of changes happening in the Hawaii Kyodan. One is that Rev. Takata & his family will be moving to Arizona and joining BCA. We're definitely going to miss them! Above was a picture from their farewell lunch from the Headquarters Staff along with the Okanos and the Yosemoris.
Tetsuya is happening now for UH Manoa and its fellow campuses, this year's one is very low key and kind of sad. Graduations are also occurring around the state this month. In case, I don't see you Congratulations on your graduation and best of luck in all your future endeavors!
The BSC is planning a lecture series for students in September, but there will be more information coming later on that.
I hope that you are doing well. Let me know if you have any big news for the blog!