The school year has finally winded to a close and summer is here. Finals week was rough on the students since quite a few of them were suffering through Spring Fever. We had a few students spend the night at the BSC during Tetsuya. On Thursday, I attempted to make fried rice, I suppose it turned out ok, although Wayde Toyama would say it was "Amazing!"

On Saturday, at UH Graduation Heather Omori and Lynn Nakagawa graduated. Congratulations to you both and good luck in all your future endeavors.
Saturday Night, we toasted to the end of the school year and to summer vacation. We would have toasted to the graduates, but neither of them came :(was more playing of the game settlers ( which may be played a YA Retreat, but I won't spoil that surprise yet).

were also games of Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk, and umm...yeah....perhaps I won't finish.

Alex Shanklin, a representative at BDK Hawaii and student at UH Manoa will be starting at Ryukoku University in the Fall. During the Summer, he plans to travel and visit family. Since I don't know when I would see him next I took him to lunch at W&M BBQ Burger in Kaimuki. He really liked it and it was his first time there :) Best wishes to Alex at Ryukoku University and I hope I get the chance to see you again.

See you all in August or maybe sooner...:)
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