Friday, February 11, 2011

Living Treasures and SuperBowl Party!

In Case you haven't heard there's a new Bishop in town or there will officially be one very soon. Rev. Eric Matsumoto of Moiliili Hongwanji will take office on March 1. This was official news at the 99th Giiseikai.
To celebrate the adjournment of Giiseikai and honor several of Living Treasures of Hawaii there was a lunch at the Sheraton Waikiki. If you want to see the food pictures let me know... Here's a few pictures:
Rev. Fujitani gives his usual speech on how the Living Treasures of Hawaii began. I believe it was let's honor this person. Cool! Here

Representative Hanabusa stopped by to say a few words

Rev. Murakami was honored for his 25 years of service

Rev. Soga was also honored for his 25 years of service. He and his wife wore kimonos made by their mothers for the occasion.

Here's a picture of most of the ushers and our wonderful leaders

Sunday, Feburary 6 was as many people know SuperBowl Sunday. The BSCFC celebrated with their typical party. It was a good game :)
Obviously we picked the right team to cheer for ;)

How do you fall asleep during the SuperBowl?!? At least he continued to cheer for the winning team...
They shared the whole couch but he was leaning one way more than the other. He really did fall asleep like that!

We couldn't resist...but seriously! Who falls asleep?!?

We love you Haley!