Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A few recommended reads...

Like many young adults we're always looking on how to relate Buddhism in our everyday lives and how we can help other people understand Buddhism. Here's a few recommended Dharma in the media places:

Tiny Buddha: a website featuring simple wisdom and how to apply it to our everyday lives. Lori Deschene was featured in Tricycle for her advice on how to use social media specifically twitter to enhance your relationships. Follow @TinyBuddha
Here's a few good articles for Young Adults:

Buddha in Your Backpack: A survival book mainly for teens on living Buddhism in everyday life
Teachings of Buddha
WareHouse 13 on Syfy: The new character Jinx is Buddhist, but the show is about a team of "treasure hunters" finding artifacts from famous people that have special powers and bringing them back so they don't cause anymore damage to society.
Breakfast with the Buddha

Do you have any sites/ books you would recommend for Young Buddhists?

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